Age: 42 year old
Occupation: Tailor
Address: Muar, Johor
Date:April, 2010
Consumed: Liquid spirulina with enzyme, Calcium citrate
One to two years ago, I had poor stamina, shortness of breath, insomnia, amenorrhea and I was generally weak. My condition worsened in January 2010, where I looked pale without blood. I went for a body check up and discovered that I suffer from severe iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia. I was admitted to the hospital for blood transfusion but irrespective of how many times I underwent the process, my red blood cells count remained very low. My family members were worried and even considered sending me for a bone marrow test for leukemia. I was introduced the products and started taking one liquid spirulina with enzyme plus one calcium citrate per day. My condition started to improve and I was regaining my strength and focus. After continuously taking the products, my red blood cells counts increased from a low of 5.5 to 14.5 and my doctor informed me that I am now at normal levels. My sleep and complexion have also greatly improved as I am now a different person!