Age: 37 year old
Occupation: Housewife
Address: Muar, Johor
Date: April, 2010
Consumed: Liquid Spirulina with Enzyme, Calcium citrate
Two years ago, I suffered from Chikungunya fever. Although I have recovered from the Chikungunya fever, I was suffering from the after effects of the Chikungunya fever since then where I was experiencing joint pains in my right elbow. The pain sometimes can be so severe as if the bone in my elbow is breaking apart. My doctor advised me that this is a common effect of the Chikungunya fever and I can only rely on pain killers and my own immune system to heal. Also, I have been suffering from migraine for many years. After I get to know the products, I started taking one liquid spirulina with enzyme and one calcium citrate. Initially after a week of consuming the products, the pain in my elbow became worse and the skin became itchy. I took it as a healing crisis and I continued with the products. After two months, to my surprise, the pain in my elbow has disappeared entirely and I am able to regain the strength in my arms. Also, my migraine and period pain have improved significantly and people around me have also noticed that my skin complexion has become better.