58 years old, Miri, Sarawak
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Date : January 2010
I have been suffering from diabetes for 20 years now. A year and a half ago when I needed to start taking insulin injections. In addition, I have also been diagnosed with high blood pressure and asthma. 6 months ago, I fell down and broke my knee as a result of osteoporosis and I had to undergo surgery. In June 2009, every day I take 1 sachet of liquid spirulina with grape enzymes, 1 sachet of liquid spirulina with ginger enzymes & 1 sachet of liquid calcium which was mixed with 1 liter of water and I drank it throughout the day. In addition, I took 3 tubes of propolis and 2 packets of Royal Jelly every day. At first, my asthma became worse and the blood sugar levels has risen drastically to over 11. But I kept consuming the products. One and half month later, it was a surprise that my blood sugar level has dropped significantly until I do not have to rely on the insulin injections anymore. Also, my blood pressure has improved and I can reduce the dose of my medication. Now I feel much healthier and even returned to my work as a taxi driver. Thank you very much.